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What is Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC)?

Acupuncture and TCM is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness for over 23 centuries.


This system is proven to remedy ailments, enhance recuperative power, and rebuild the body’s immune system.


Acupuncture and TCM can successfully treat diseases: acute, chronic, traumatic, infectious, and internally generated. If a disease is extremely virulent or far advanced, and especially if there are serious changes in organic tissues, you may be best served with a combination of Western Medicine and TCM.


As with all illnesses and diseases, it is best to be treated at the onset of symptoms. The duration, severity, and nature of your complaint, condition, and/or situation, will determine the course of treatment.


While Western Medicine and TCM are complementary, and we respect all aspects of treatment, there are many diseases and conditions that Acupuncture and TCM successfully treat for which Western Medicine has no effective treatment.

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